The concept of responsive website designing is to get more attention these days. More so because the number of global users who use mobile devices to browse websites is increasing at a rapid rate. According to Statista, the total number of mobile users has crossed 7 billion worldwide.
Owning a mobile device is not the only fact that marketers should be concerned about. Surveys also show that 40% of users depend on their mobile devices to perform research before purchasing any product. All these facts point toward a common direction.
That is, you need a responsive website design to generate more leads through your website. In this article, we’ll take you through the basics of responsive design, its importance, and some of the best practices related to responsive web designing.
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What do you mean by Responsive Website Design?
A mobile-friendly website design is known as a responsive website design. A responsive website design is compatible with any device and it adapts to desktops, smartphones, tablets, laptops without any inconvenience.
If you’re on your way to build a brand’s identity, responsive website design is not an option for you anymore. It is a necessity. Also, from the developers’ perspective too this is a win-win situation.
By following a responsive web design approach, developers won’t have to build different versions of the same website. They can create a single responsive website that is compatible with all devices.
Why Responsive Website Design is Mandatory for Businesses?
Here’re the three major reasons why adopting a responsive website design should be on the top of your priority list:
- Get easily Discovered on the Web
Did you know that 63% of people access Google from their mobile devices? In fact, Google actually follows the mobile-first indexing approach. That means websites with a responsive design actually have better chances of ranking on this search engine. So, if your ultimate aim is to get found on Google, responsive website design is a must.
- Keep the Prospects for Longer Duration on your Site
It is a fact that responsive website designs can keep the prospects and customers glued to a website for a longer period. Users expect websites that can load faster and that offer a top-notch browsing experience. As most users browse websites from their smartphones, you’ll need a responsive website design to maintain a lower bounce rate.
- Build Trust and Grow your Brand’s Reputation
You must know that 57% of customers have stated that they are least likely fto recommend badly designed websites to others. Online shoppers also reveal their disappointment in various public forums. They talk about their poor shopping experience on the eCommerce stores with unresponsive web design. Hence, to build trust and to grow your brand’s reputation, in the long run, you’ll need a responsive website design.
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Best Practices of Responsive Website Designing
Let’s find out some of the responsive website design best practices that are doing the rounds around:
- The Buttons are Important
When you develop a website, you’re most likely to aim that your audiences will take some action after entering your site. By action we mean, completing a purchase, reading your blogs, downloading your resources, and so on. But how do you expect your audiences to take such actions unless you provide them with an option?
That’s where you’ll need the Call To Action (CTA) buttons. A responsive web design is where appropriate CTA buttons are placed at appropriate places. Some websites typically add the CTAs in the bottom part. We’re not saying that it’s a mistake. But people who browse websites using mobile devices may not scroll down all the way to the bottom to find your action buttons.
So, make sure you’re adding CTAs at relevant places to keep the mobile users hooked. Also, you should be considerate about the sizes of your buttons. Don’t forget that mobile users are browsing your website using their hands. They don’t use a mouse, unlike desktop users. So the minimum heights of your CTA buttons should be 48 pixels.
- Don’t forget to add Vector Graphics
Adding illustrations and vector graphics is a very common trend in website designing these days. But are you adding Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to your site? For those of you who don’t have any prior knowledge about it should know that SVGs can be scaled infinite times.
This feature is not available in the case of JPGs and PNGs. Hence, the website browsing experience is far better with SVGs as compared to regular image formats. SVGs also load faster.
- Typography Matters
Neglecting the typography factor is another mistake that most developers make. A website font that looks good on your desktop may not look equally good on your mobile and vice versa. So, as part of the responsive website designing, you should select a font that is compatible with both devices. If the visitors can’t read the content of your site, they are least likely to buy from you.
Here’re a few tricks you should follow to ensure that the fonts are well-suited for both mobile and desktop versions of your site:
- You should not select thin fonts that don’t fade on smaller screens
- The headings need to be of bigger sizes compared to sub-heads and body content
- Select colors that contrast with the theme/background color of your website
- Don’t Forget to Test the Website from Time to Time
Finally, you should always test your website on different devices. This will provide you with an idea of the mobile-friendliness of the site. This will give you an idea of what adjustments you must make to your website to ensure its responsiveness.
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Final Words
We hope the fundamental idea of a responsive website design is clear to you. You need to build a website that can be browsed from any device or browser of the audiences’ choice. Considering the excess competition around, building a responsive website has become mandatory.
Having any doubts? Reach out to us. We’ll help you out.