Blog is the place where you spend hours to manage it. You pour your mind to fill it will with useful contents. Its like your one of the precious property. So, it should be placed on better and safest place.
That is why WordPress managed hosting is a great option to put your blog in safest hand. Technically It’s fully customized for WordPress installation to run it smoothly.
Why you should use managed WordPress hosting?
Although It’s price is higher than usual, but it save your hours that you waste in managing your blog. If few bucks can save your hours never let this chance to go anyway. Because if you smart and time oriented, you could make much more than that few bucks.
On the other hand, managed WordPress hosting is more secure and hack proof. If your blog is great, then there is more chance to be hacked. In such case put you blog in airtight place, that may be managed WordPress hosting.
There are many other reasons to use it. The bottom line is, if you can afford a managed WordPress hosting, you should use it right away. I think slightly higher price (anything between $15 to $500 depends on size of your blog) is only Cons of this great service.
Moreover if you look overall performance and maintenance cost of blogs hosted with WordPress Managed Hosting, is always cost effective. Specially, in case of medium and large website you need a separate to team to manage your blog/website. But, if you use a better managed WordPress hosting, you can save extra thousands dollar for your company.
More Reasons to Use Managed WordPress Hosting
For Security: If you are not super start security expert, you should use this. They are hack proof, not ideal but take risk to fix it.
To Save Time = Money: Generally you have to spend hours to manage your WP installation. Let them do everything except your business.
You Care Speed = SEO: Speed matters. Google also incorporates your page-load time into your site’s search rankings. Faster sites win, literally.
You Love One Click Backups: Accidentally if anything went wrong, they continuously create a recent backup of your website. Just 1 click away to restore.
Scalability is Important For Your Business: Delicately made for WordPress application, they always use hand picked servers. So, there is no scalability issue any more.
You Want Migration On Next Click: Most have one click option to migrate your website. Or they will assist you to save your next thousand dollars.
You Wanna Play With Fresh Technology: They install WordPress security updates proactively, so so you can sleep easily at night.
You Appropriate Expert Support: They are WordPress companies, so unlike general web host here you get supported by hand picked WordPress experts.
There are many other reasons and advantages of using Managed WordPress Hosting. Most of the people avoid it just because they think its price is higher than they could afford. However some of them pay more than Managed WordPress Hosting cost to get same services from different places. SO, for such people and people who never compromise with quality Managed WordPress Hosting is great product. What do you say about this?
The post Why Managed WordPress Hosting is Better For You? appeared first on OpenThrive.