Genesis Themes are unparalleled Themes in terms of design quality and ease of optimisations &a customisation. There are many great reasons for using it. If you are looking for some great themes for your project, here are top 10 free Genesis child themes that I have selected from hundreds by all providers.
Unlike other themes, there is no big difference in premium and free WordPress themes in the case of genesis child themes. It’s any themes have great features and of course design that I have listed here.
Select the most suitable for your project and stop wasting time in finding WordPress theme, instead of building the audience and growth of your blog.
Why Free Genesis Child themes Themes?
Free Genesis child theme is for professional bloggers looking for cheaper option to start with industry class blog design exprience. It’s for genesis developer looking for minimum option to start a new project to build custom themes.
Please note that, even it designs of these themes are better than any other free themes, but if you want more great design and features, you should try a premium genesis theme for long term.
Looking for Premium Genesis Theme For Blog? Here is: Best Genesis Child Theme For Unique Blog Design
List of Free Genesis Themes:
So, finally here a curated and handpicked list of free genesis child theme tokick start with fresh and beautiful design of your blog. Please note that you will need genesis framework to use this theme, that you can buy from StudioPress.
1. Mobile First:
Theme designed by Bryan Gardner, the Man behind genesis WordPress framework and themes. It’s simple, clean and the completely free genesis theme.
2. Twenty Seven Pro
Another theme designed and crafted by the maker of Genesis theme. Clean, minimal and highly customizable theme for professional bloggers.
3. Minimalist Theme
Another free minimal genesis theme perfectly crafted and designed byBryan Gardner the Genesis Theme creator.
4. Letter Genesis Child Theme
The Letter theme is a Genesis child theme that takes you back to the roots of what writing is all about:
5.Diligent Genesis Child Theme
A clean and simple theme designed for consultants, coaches and entrepreneurs in mind.
Note: This theme requires the Genesis Framework. You can purchase the Genesis Framework directly from StudioPress.
The post Handpicked Free Genesis Child Themes For Professional Bloggers appeared first on OpenThrive.