Whenever you write content it takes weeks or even months to index in search engine. Suppose if it is indexed within a week, it doesn’t guarantee it will be ranked enough to get organic traffic. So, what do you do with your just published blog?
You write contents for different purposes: sometime you write for lead, sometime you craft it for others and sometime you tweak words into blog post just for money. But, if you don’t get what you want, you become frustrate, right?
So, keep reading this blog post to learn “how to index your blog post to rank up for organic traffic quickly. Please note that: Its strategy that I am using to get traffic on my blog. It works only if you do everything on time mentioned here.
Make website search engine friendly.
Although its first step just after creating your blog. Yes even before writing first word on it. Fortunately, its not a rocket science, so you can do it right away. Use SEO techniques to get extra attention from search engine. Tweak SEO elements of your website for better result. Learn more about search engine optimization and how to use it.
Next Reading: How to make search engine friendly blog?
Write something unique that people want to read, share and link. This will improve overall potential of your blog to rank up on search engine result page. Finally, SEO is practical stuffs, more you practice better your blog will perform.
Write one post daily.
This most important step of this strategy, that you should do anyway. I found post with 1000 plus words perform well on my blog. Post with 2000 plus words are always on the top of Google analytics report. I can understand, writing 2000 words is not easy task, but 1000 words is not impossible.
Next Read: The accountability hacks I used to blog 30,000 words in 30 days… By: James Greig
Writing post daily indirectly effects search engine optimization and hence taking. May be many people don’t believe, but its true on long turn. Moreover, one post daily is more effective than multiple post everyday. Best practice to do this is plan one post daily for a week, then do it for next week and so on for 30 days.
Email Influencers for feedback.
First thing first, it does not effects SEO of your blog, but if you are smart you can use this to make your blog hotter. You will get extra attention of readers and Google loves website with extra attention. Mention people to whom you want to interact, email them for feedback of your work.
If they will feel better, you have a great chance to get your blog shared in their next tweet. May be they will mention your blog in their next post. Best practice to do this is follow Backlinko guy Brian Dean’s skyscraper technique. In some other posts Brian Dean explain many time how to reach out people of interest.
My another favorite post on Backlinko: How To Generate 36,282 Readers — and 1,000 Email Subscribers — From Your Next Blog Post
Socialize your blog post.
Social signals affects SEO a lot, if it is done regularly. So leverage social sharing on your blog. Share your contents on social media and let other to do it well. More number of social share of is a proof that tells your content is interesting and useful for others.
So, add social sharing buttons on every posts and pages of your blog. There are many WordPress plugins to make it easier. You can use a suitable Social sharing WordPress plugins for this.
Next, create a separate social media accounts or pages for your blog. Make it professional and share useful contents whenever you have something interesting. Ask your friends and family to help for this.
Re-share it after few interval.
Re-tweet and re-share your old post on your social accounts. It will make your post alive and hot. If you have done everything for SEO, sharing again & again will make you blog post hot. You know well hotter post have more chance to index. Note: Make it pleasant and share again between the gaps of other sharing stuffs.
You can use WordPress plugins like Revive Old Post or Tweetily to do this automatically on your blog. Or you can use Buffer a great social media tool to manage sharing stuffs easily.
Do this for every blog post on your blog. It seems to be headache, but its easy if you put just 30 minutes daily for this. Although ranking and showing results on search page is almost controlled by search engines. But, using this techniques, you can get some extra attention for your blog. By the way, what do you want to add, don’t forget to mention in comment bellow?
The post How to Get New Blog Post Indexed by Search Engine Quickly appeared first on openthrive.