When you start with a great idea to build a product that people want to use, the biggest challenge you are going to face is getting early traction. Early traction comes far before startup marketing and growth hacking. Early traction tells how much your product attracts people who know it for the first time. In this post, you will learn how to get very early stage traction before marketing and growth seeding.
This is a post of a series How to Grow Early Stage Startup Without Hiring Marketer? If you have come here first, you can start here to market your great product with limited resources.
Why is Cold email marketing?
Email is all time evergreen channel for the personal communication, it can’t be replaced by WhatsApp or hangout like Channels. By the way, it’s a powerful medium to get highly targeted people know about your product and service.
Although it’s very slow and sometimes tiring, but if you do it properly it will give you a great result. So, here is how to leverage cold email marketing to get very early startup traction.
How to leverage cold email marketing?
The simple way is to find contact and send them a very personal email and follow up until they become very first customer, catch them even if don’t want to pay.
Find Email Addresses:
The mantra of success behind cold email marketing is finding email addresses of right people who are either your future customer or who can bring customers. So, let’s begin with finding the right and correct email addresses.
Before we will go ahead, make a quick list of niche and categories of people who you want to target. It’s easy and hardly will take another five minutes.
Pro Tip: If you have done twitter Blast that I have shared before this, you can just start with that list.
Now, signup to email hunter, a great tool to find out email addresses for cold email marketing. Put domain one by one and select the most suitable person to contact in the organisation.
Similarly create a long list of people, longer the list bigger will be the chance to get results.
Signup for Hubspot Free Sales & CRM
Add all these contacts into HubSpot CRM. There are hundreds of CRM, but for this HubSpot is the best for this, fortunately, it’s free too.
Now, download its chrome extension and connect to your Gmail, or you can integrate it with outlook if you are not the Gmail user. click here to know how you can do this quickly. Configured recommended settings and go to the template, create an email template using HubSpot advanced feature.
Now, you are ready to rock!
Pro Tip: send the email traffic to a landing page instead of just on the home page. I have created a quick way in my last post twitter Blast, check it out, Done? Let’s go ahead.
Now send one by one email to all people of the list manually. Please never ever use email marketing service to send them as broadcast. That will hardly work.
Now leave it for now and do something else, you can contact me too if you want to say me hi.
Follow up and reply:
Now after few hours you must be getting responses, reply them as soon as possible. Don’t sell your product, ask them to just have a look and give their feedback. Give them free trial account if they are showing interest to try it.
Pro Tip: Create another template of the follow-up email to send who will not open within one week.
Measure results and do it again:
After doing this wait for one or two weeks to get the total response. Some people take time for response, so don’t worry you will get at least 10-30% response depending upon your niche.
Pro Tip: Please again, never try to sell your product using cold email marketing. Just do it such that people will think you are giving them some value to get their feedback. If your product is great, you don’t have to ask them, they will buy definitely.
Cold email marketing is very effective especially in the case of B2B product. Although it takes lots of effort and time but it will work for you. After all, it’s highly effective way to interact with people who can get your startup to the next level.
The post Cold Email Marketing For Startups (Email Seeding) appeared first on Openthrive.